As 2019 draws to a close, we want to thank all of our coalition members who dedicated their time and talents to defeat physician-assisted suicide (PAS) in Maryland. Year after year in Maryland, we have consistently seen a bill proposed that fails to address any of the concerns raised in legislative hearings and in various...
We have some great news to share with you: The Senate voted to defeat the physician-assisted suicide bill, which effectively stops the bill for this year! The final vote was 23-23, meaning it could not advance. This would not have been possible if it weren’t for all of the help and support that you contributed...
Thanks to your vocal opposition, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee has been delayed in voting on the proposed physician-assisted suicide legislation – Senate Bill 311. However, our fight is not over. The Committee is now planning to vote TOMORROW on the bill and we need your help again. In advance of this vote, we need...
Compassion and Choices, the out-of-state interest group that has been pushing for the legalization of physician-assisted suicide in Maryland, sent out a press release this morning urging the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee not to adopt any “excessive amendments.” Of the amendments that this out-of-state group has deemed “excessive,” the most troubling is one that requires...
We need your help! Supporters of physician-assisted suicide are actively mobilizing their members to influence the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee before they vote this week on the proposed legislation – House Bill 399 and Senate Bill 311. They are trying to flood the Committee with letters of support, and we need to do the same....
The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is planning to hold a vote early this week on the proposed physician-assisted suicide legislation – House Bill 399 and Senate Bill 311. If the bill secures enough votes to pass out of Committee, it will be up for a vote before the entire Senate very soon. In advance of...
This Friday, March 1st, the House Health and Government Operations and Judiciary Committees are scheduled to hold a joint vote on the proposed physician-assisted suicide legislation – House Bill 399. If the bill secures enough votes to pass out of Committee, it will be up for a vote before the entire House of Delegates as...
As the Maryland General Assembly continues to debate legislation (HB.399 and SB.311) on physician-assisted suicide, we wanted to revisit a topic that we feel deserves renewed attention: how “death with dignity” really happens. This is crucial for legislators and Maryland residents to understand, as it both translates to the reality of a patient ending his...
We want to start off by thanking every single person who showed up at one of the legislative hearings, submitted testimony, contacted their legislators, and shared our posts on social media. Thanks to you all, we continue to demonstrate to Maryland’s elected officials how strong the opposition is to physician-assisted suicide. While we still have...
In case you missed it, coalition member Dr. Joseph Marine, an Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, authored an Op-Ed that was published in the Baltimore Sun on February 18th, where he spoke about how unethical and dangerous physician-assisted suicide is. You can read Dr. Marine’s full Op-Ed by clicking here....