
First Senate Committee Vote on PAS Bill this Week

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The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is planning to hold a vote early this week on the proposed physician-assisted suicide legislation – House Bill 399 and Senate Bill 311. If the bill secures enough votes to pass out of Committee, it will be up for a vote before the entire Senate very soon.

In advance of this first Senate vote, we need to make sure as many people as possible contact these five members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. These five Senators could help us ensure that the physician-assisted suicide legislation does not pass out of Committee.

Senator Bobby Zirkin – District 11 (Committee Chairman)


Senator Jill Carter – District 41


Senator Katie Fry Hester – District 9


Senator Susan Lee – District 16


Senator Mary Washington – District 43

We need to make sure these members know the very real dangers of this proposed legislation. So, before they are able to vote, please call and email the Committee members who are listed above.

There is no more effective way to influence legislation than to contact elected officials directly. Please respectfully ask them to vote NO on House Bill 399 and Senate Bill 311.

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