
Take Action Now to Prevent PAS in Maryland

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Maryland General Assembly

Thanks to your vocal opposition, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee has been delayed in voting on the proposed physician-assisted suicide legislation – Senate Bill 311. However, our fight is not over. The Committee is now planning to vote TOMORROW on the bill and we need your help again.

In advance of this vote, we need to make sure as many people as possible contact the members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee who are still undecided. These Senators could help us ensure that the physician-assisted suicide legislation does not pass out of Committee.

Out-of-state interests have targeted Maryland for advancing their dangerous agenda of legalizing physician-assisted suicide with no regard for Marylanders who are terminally ill, elderly, living with a disability or a mental illness.

Proponents of this dangerous bill have said publicly that any amendments to their bill that seek to protect the people of Maryland would be “excessive” and they want no changes — not even protections for those with mental illness!

We need to make sure these members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee know the very real dangers of this proposed legislation. So, before they are able to vote, please click the button below to send a message to key members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee and ask them to vote NO on this bill.

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