
Maryland’s Palliative Care; One of the Best in Nation

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In August 2016, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) released the 14th edition of their annual report measuring state activity to reduce cancer incidence and mortality, entitled “How Do You Measure Up?” This report not only measures how each state is  currently doing, but also includes ideas about how policymakers can help...

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Study Examines Major Flaws in Assisted Suicide Laws

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An article in The Week examined a recent study on physician assisted suicide in the U.S. and across the world, writing about how the study paints a generally positive picture of PAS implementation. However, as the article notes, the study includes some very troubling findings that should not be ignored. First, the study which was...

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Canadian palliative care centers can opt out of assisted suicide

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While Canadian parliament recently approved right-to-die legislation, legalizing the practice across the country, opposition from hospice and palliative care centers has not gone unnoticed. Canada will now allow hospice and palliative care centers to opt-out of providing medical aid to die.  The executive director of the West Island Centre for Palliative Care told the Montreal...

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The Patience and Care Hospice Provides

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We would like to remind everyone about the importance of honoring and investing in the unseen care our medical professionals are giving those whose time may be short. The New Yorker recently brought to light the daily work of a hospice worker and how comprehensively they work to care for patients. The incredibly moving piece...

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Hospitals Move against Assisted Suicide in California

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Our victory this past legislative session was far from the end of the battle against this dangerous policy, but it’s a battle that shows continued signs of success.  While California has voted to permit assisted suicide as of June 9, 2016, a number of hospitals across the state have pro-actively decided to opt-out and not...

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Another Piece of Evidence that the Fight Continues in Colorado

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As we have previously covered, Colorado’s assisted suicide proposal was withdrawn by legislators because they knew it didn’t have enough support. The Denver Post reported then on how Colorado House Democrats made the “rare move” to move the assisted suicide bill off the calendar before any floor debate because they knew it was unsettled.  Again,...

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Canada’s Push for Assisted Suicide Reaffirms the Need for Vigilance

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Without question, we are pleased with the continued positive developments that we’ve seen around the United States, fighting back against a coordinated push for legalizing assisted suicide.  That said, we are occasionally forced to remember that this overall debate is far from over, and that it is happening around the world. Despite some clear evidence...

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“The Facts Remain” Series: Suicide Contagion

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We are going to consistently remind our readers of the flaws in legalizing physician assisted suicide.  Of the many faults, some rise up as elemental to any and every legislative effort to make this policy a reality.  Each of these facts leads us to believe that this policy is fundamentally flawed. This is our series...

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PAS Proponents’ New Angle: Cheaper Suicide Drugs

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We have known for a while that the proponents of assisted suicide will stop at nothing to advance support for this policy.  That said, the latest news is an angle we haven’t expected to see utilized. They want to make the suicide drugs cheaper to purchase – as though access was the primary problem with...

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Continued Pressure Fighting Back Against PAS in New York

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We have great news to report from the assisted suicide debate raging in New York State, where the national leadership of assisted suicide proponents have concentrated their efforts after so many recent losses. They may need to prepare for another defeat, as the coalitions of people negatively impacted by assisted suicide continue to gain strength....

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