Colorado Legislature Poised To Stop Assisted Suicide

We learned earlier this year that, despite failing last session, the relentless proponents of physician assisted suicide are trying to ram the legislation through again in Colorado. The latest updates on that state’s debate show a shocking development:
The Legislature is still likely to reject assisted suicide. Again, though, remember: these folks simply don’t quit.
The Fort Collins Coloradan reported last week on a House panel hearing 10 hours of testimony on the bill decided to approve the legislation – just barely – voting 6-5. This vote allows the bill to go to the House for an intense debate.
But here’s the kicker: the Senate had a panel just two days prior, and they voted to reject the legislation. In Colorado, only one chamber’s panel needs to approve for the bill to be heard in one chamber and then sent to the other. Even still, with a struggle forthcoming in the House, the Senate is likely to confirm its panel’s decision.
A local CBS affiliate covered the Senate’s rejection, and reported on the fact that the Senate sponsor of the bill has “no false optimism” about the bill’s chances of ultimate success.
That is from the sponsor of the bill. So why put it forward?
Because, again, the proponents of this legislation are coordinated, motivated, and refuse to quit.