
Assisted Suicide Debate Hits New York

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We’re proud of our efforts today, because we see similar efforts all around the country, in the face of a well-funded, coordinated, nationwide press to legalize assisted suicide.

We are keeping a close eye on the debate in New York, as the national trends may affect us in Maryland. We need to be prepared for another debate in Maryland, and watching the national debate is important.

Al-Jazeera America is covering the impending battle in New York State, and they recognize the strength of our coalition to prevent a dangerous, ill-conceived policy from taking effect. As they plainly state it: “The fight will prove to be a tough one.”

Some who support assisted suicide simply want to discredit opposition as religious moralizing. They are sorely mistaken. In this particular report, we see the truth that is apparent here in Maryland as well – that disability rights advocates are dialing up their advocacy, and have “increased their focus on mobilizing support against the passage of the bill and educating the public about its potential risks.”

We don’t expect the supporters of assisted suicide to simply back off in the face of good, sound reasoning against them. This will certainly be a fight. We hope you can help us in Maryland as well.

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