Physician Assisted Suicide opponents in several states throughout the nation are gearing up to protect patient rights as proponents are already sending signals that they plan to make a strong push to legalize PAS this year. In Virginia and Delaware, lawmakers have signaled they will be filing legislation to legalize PAS, while advocacy groups in...
This past week at an Interim Meeting, the American Medical Association’s (AMA) House of Delegates debated the Association’s official position on physician assisted suicide (PAS). The AMA has long upheld its opposition to PAS, but in June of this year, Delegates voted to reject the AMA’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) thoughtful recommendation...
UPDATE FROM NEW JERSEY: The New Jersey Assembly’s Judiciary Committee heard testimony on a PAS bill. Advocates on both side of the PAS battle came out to make their case, but proponents of the dangerous legislation may have the advantage this session. Already the bill’s sponsor is claiming the Assembly could vote in favor of...