Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill Officially Filed for 2017

Here’s how to help right now
Last week, legislation was filed in the Maryland General Assembly that seeks to legalize the practice of physician-assisted suicide. These bills – House Bill 370 and Senate Bill 354 – which are often referred to as “Death with Dignity” or “Aid in Dying” by its proponents are almost exactly identical to the failed bills from both 2015 and 2016. The bill sponsors have not made any changes to the substance of the bill that address any of the serious concerns that have been raised by our coalition and allies over the last two years. All the major issues remain.
This proves what we’ve been saying all along: there is no way to fix this bill. There is absolutely no way to change the bill in a way that still advances the proponent’s goal of legalizing assisted suicide. There are no safeguards that can protect against the coercion and abuse of vulnerable populations. There is no legislative solution to the fact that doctors cannot accurately predict a 6 month terminal prognosis . There is no way to ignore that patients in states where PAS is legal are requesting the lethal drugs because they feel like they are a burden on their family, not because they are in pain. We could go on and on. What’s more, the fact that PAS proponents such as Compassion & Choices refuse to even propose changes to the bill shows they truly lack compassion for the most vulnerable members of society. When you’re proposing a bill about suicide and you refuse to listen to legitimate concerns there is something seriously wrong.
We have summarized all that is wrong with this dangerous bill in our new infographic. It’s pasted below but you can click here to download for printing and for emailing.
The best way you can help defeat HB 370 and SB 354 right now is to share these infographics which are pasted below (right-click “Save As…”). Post it on your social media accounts. Send it to friends and family via email. It’s an excellent way to educate people about the dangers of these bills and encourage them to also stand up and take action.
Thank you for taking this important step. More to come about how else you can help.