
Join Our Coalition Against PAS in Maryland

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Since 2015, the members of our coalition have traveled across the state to Annapolis to halt the movement of legislation that would legalize physician-assisted suicide (PAS) in Maryland. Each of the five sessions a bill has been filed, we utilized the unified voice of our coalition to refute the dangerous rhetoric of PAS supporters to the members of the Maryland General Assembly and have successfully defeated the legislation every time.

Our coalition numbers continue to grow and represent a diverse range of groups and professionals. Members include nationally and locally recognized health care, disability rights, and community-based organizations that understand the disproportionate impact PAS can have on Maryland’s most vulnerable residents.

To successfully defeat the anticipated PAS legislation again this session, we will need to rally our allies and supporters. To be effective, we will need to be strategic and organized. We are asking our supporters to add their names to our Coalition’s membership list so that we can equip everyone with the information they need to advocate against PAS. Please email us at if you would like to be involved this session.

Once the Maryland General Assembly gets moving, they move full steam ahead through April. We communicate in a timely manner on all updates to the members of the coalition. By adding yourself to our list, in addition to following us on Twitter and Facebook, you will have all the latest information at your fingertips.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to preventing the legalization of PAS in Maryland!



Maryland Against Physician Assisted Suicide (MAPAS)

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