
Cold Hard Proof: Studying the Impact of Assisted Suicide

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We want to flag a critical study that shows the link between assisted suicide and an uptick in the suicide rate overall.

The study was recently released in the Southern Medical Journal stating unequivocally that legalizing assisted suicide has been “associated with an increased rate of total suicides relative to other states.” Not only that, but it refutes proponent’s claims that non-assisted suicides will decrease if assisted suicide is made legal.

Our friends from No DC Suicide caught this first, and we wanted to make sure our coalition in Maryland was armed with this knowledge as well.

Legislators frequently ask whether or not legalizing assisted suicide will lead to an increase in total suicides statewide. Proponents will not hesitate to tell us that there is no correlation between legal assisted suicide and increased suicide rates.

Now we know that’s not true. We must make sure Maryland legislators hear this too.

Take a look at the study and please share



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