A Clear, Cogent, Case

As we begin to advocate against the assisted suicide legislation, H.B.404 and S.B. 418, we need to recognize the commitment of Marylanders who are working hard to defeat the proposal. One such Marylander is Greg Kline – who wrote a comprehensive piece for the Maryland Reporter last week.
We encourage you to give it a read for passages like this:
“Proponents of physician assisted suicide also want to avoid discussing the impact on the physician patient relationship such laws create. Major medical organizations from the American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians and the American Nurses Association, oppose physician assisted suicide. Medical professionals often cite the dictates and the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath, the ancient promise made by doctors entering the profession, in their opposition.”
We also want you to be aware of the information resources our organization is providing, for your review here, but you could do a lot worse than Mr. Kline’s review of how physician assisted suicide is a fundamentally flawed policy.
All of us need to work together to defeat this legislation, and with your help that will happen. The most important piece of this debate is ensuring that legislators hear directly from constituents, so we encourage you to do that.
Remember that proponents want to casually discredit our cause as baseless moralizing – but there are clear dangers to this policy and you can deliver that message.