House & Senate PAS Hearings This Week

This week, the Maryland Against Physician Assisted Suicide coalition will be at the State House in Annapolis testifying against the “End of Life Options Act.” The Senate’s Judicial Proceedings Committee will hear SB.845 on Tuesday, March 7th at 1pm. The House’s Health and Government Operations Committee and Judiciary Committee will hear HB.933 on Friday, March 10th at 1pm.
Our coalition’s membership, which includes health care professionals, senior and disability rights advocates, faith leaders, and more, will ask lawmakers to reject the physician-assisted suicide proposal once again this session. We hope that the Committees see the significant red flags that this dangerous legislative proposal continues to ignore. Maryland residents deserve lawmakers who protect the life and safety of all who live here.
We are asking for those who will not be in attendance to still stand up and voice your opposition to this misguided policy. If you have not done so already, please contact your legislators to let them know that as their constituent, you do not agree with this misguided proposal that threatens the safety of Maryland’s health care system. Additionally, if you are interested in submitting written testimony, please contact us at so we can assist you.
Thank you for your support!
Maryland Against Physician Assisted Suicide