
Maryland to Hear Testimony on PAS Bill

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This Friday, February 15th, the House Health and Government Operations and Judiciary Committees are holding a joint legislative hearing on the proposed physician-assisted suicide legislation – House Bill 399. We are asking that our coalition members turn out in full force to show our strong opposition to this legislation!

We will be grouping up at 1:00 pm on Friday, outside of the Joint Hearing Room in the Department of Legislative Services Building (90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401). The hearing is scheduled to begin promptly at 1:30 pm.

To demonstrate how large the opposition is to this legislation, we are asking everyone who is attending a hearing to wear all black. We will be handing out stickers to everyone in attendance that further illustrates our opposition.

This Friday is not the only hearing, however. On Tuesday, February 19th at noon, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will also hold a hearing on the legislation – Senate Bill 311. In advance of this hearing, we will be meeting outside of Room 2 East in the Miller Senate Building (11 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401).

If you are planning to attend a hearing, or you want to contact your legislators directly, email us at

In addition to trying to fill the hearing rooms with our coalition members, we need your written testimony! If you would like to submit written testimony in opposition to this legislation, please also email us at and we can assist you. In order for us to be able to print enough copies of everyone’s written testimony, it needs to be submitted to us by noon on Thursday, February 14th.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your continued hard work.

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